If you know me personally you know how much I love my hair. I was blessed with silky, smooth, easy to deal with and straight hair... (Thanks mom and dad!) I don't have to use heat on it unless I want curls, so it barely gets damaged and grows super quickly. Basically my whole life I've had medium to long hair...mostly super long hair to my waist though if I'm going to be honest. I'm the girl who freaks out when I have to get a trim because I hated losing any length. It was the one thing I was always known for; long, dark, healthy hair, so it became a security blanket in a way for me.
I will be turning 25 in a few short weeks and I got to thinking. I don't know if it was a quarter life crisis or what, but I wanted to do something different with it. I started looking at pictures of shorter haircuts and I realized something. I am so freaking blessed to hit 25 and be able to choose what my hair will look like. There are so many women my age and even younger that are diagnosed with cancer and may not get to see what 25 looks like. For this reason I decided I would chop off enough to donate my hair to the Pantene Beautiful Lengths program. I feel like it's a birthday gift to not only myself and I couldn't be happier!
Pantene Beautiful Lengths is a wonderful program that donates wigs for FREE to women undergoing cancer treatment. They can only accept hair that hasn't been chemically treated so I knew I had to donate mine. I have proudly never even gotten a single highlight on this head in my 25 years and knew that since most women can't say that, I should do my part! I highly suggest checking out the program especially if you don't color your hair. Grow it out and let it be a part of something that will bring a smile to another woman's face. As women we have to empower and support each other and I think this is a great way to support those going through difficult journeys.
Click the link below to visit the Pantene Beautiful Lengths program, check out the requirements and more!
Pantene Beautiful Lengths
Pantene Beautiful Lengths
Now for some pictures! Shout out to LC the greatest stylist in the world and a wonderful friend. I showed her 18 million pictures, described something that made no sense, and she somehow managed to give me the exact cut I had pictured in my head. You are so beautiful and talented!
This is me pretending that I wasn't freaking out on the inside.
This is a facial expression that more realistically shows how I was feeling.
When it's going to a good cause you can't help but smile from ear to ear!
Thank you LC!!

And what's a new haircut without a selfie to show it off better!
LC also recommended some new products for my hair and once I've mastered my favorite way of getting this beachy and messy style myself I will be sure to update you all on how I do it and what I use.
My friends please consider donating your hair! I've decided that for every year I'm lucky enough to be on this earth I'd like to donate my time or money in a different way; a way to give back and turn getting older into something exciting. Leave your suggestions for any ideas and please send me your pictures if you too donate your hair!!
Have a beautiful day,