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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Dre Does Brows for Beginners

I had a good friend reach out to me lately asking for some pro tips regarding brows and it got me thinking that I've never really covered the basics regarding filling in brows, here on Dre Does. So I decided to share some of the basics with you incase you have never filled them in before and don't quite know where to start. 

1. Start small: If you've never colored your brows in before ANYTHING is going to look more dramatic than what you're used to. Just because you notice a huge difference doesn't mean they look bad. I would recommend starting with a tinted brow gel first, working your way up to a pencil, and then moving on to a tinted wax or pomade if you're really feeling confident. Filling your brows in for the first time should be subtle and minimal to avoid going too dramatic. 

2. Small Strokes: If you are using a product to fill them in always use small hair-like strokes because after all you are trying to make your brows look like they are full of more hairs. No one has perfectl straight and opaque brows naturally, so don't make long and intense lines with your product. 

3. Get a spooly: You'd be surprised how different and much easier filling your brows in is when you have a spooly for blending. A spooly is simply a disposable mascara wand and you can find a pack of them for only a few bucks at your local beauty supply store. If you don't want to go out and buy one, simply wait to use up your current tube of mascara (if it's one with a traditional bristle brush wand) and sanitize it for use in place of a spooly! Simply apply your brow product like you normally would and then use your spooly to slowly brush through the brow hairs and blend the product. This will ensure that your filled in brows don't look so fake.

4. Start in the middle: Whenever you are filling in your brows, I recommend starting to fill the middle of the brow first for a few reasons. If you're using a product that has a wand or brush (so a tinted gel or pomade for example) you will have the most product on it initially. You don't want to put all that product right in the front of the brow because naturally we aren't the fullest right where the brows start. It's also hard to master how to start your brow, so slowly building the front with only a little bit of product will help you acheive a much more natural look. This will help you avoid the obvious, too squared off brows. 

5. Shade is key: Don't use too dark or too light of a product. Brows should always stay a little darker than your hair if you're blonde, or a little lighter than your hair if it's darker. Also unless you are a red head, your brows should stay ashy and cool-toned. No one really has warm brows except for red heads, so picking the right tone of product will help you avoid your brows looking fake!

6. Get them shaped by a professional: I tell all of my clients that they beauty of getting their brows shaped is that I give them the blueprint to fill in their brows. Simply follow the shape I've waxed them to and in no time you'll get the hang of what you should be filling in. I take the guesswork out of adding product and will even show you how to do it if you need help. If you're in the Lansing area I would love to help you in person, but if not, find someone you trust to help shape your brows and get rid of unnecessary hairs!

7. Get them tinted: If all of this seems way too difficult and intimidating, look into tinting. This is a service I personally perform at the spa and it allows me to tint the hairs and underlying skin, to look like the brows are fuller than they are and to help emphasize the shape I give by waxing. The tint lasts up to 3 weeks so it's a great option for those who don't want to fill them in with product every morning. 

If this post stirred up any questions you might have regarding brows, please feel free to leave a comment below or on my Facebook page! I hope this helps!

Have a beautiful day,


Monday, November 2, 2015

Dre Does a Beauty Secret

If there's one thing us makeup artists and makeup enthusiasts can agree upon, it's that cleaning brushes is the bane of our existence. It's the thing that we know we have to do but always dread. Well I'm here to share a tip I discovered about a year ago but didn't actually try out until very recently. I'm happy to say I'm never going back to my old ways!

So what it is? A solid brush cleanser. You may have heard of the most famous one from Beauty Blender that retails for $16 for 1 ounce of soap. The idea is that you wet your brush or sponge and swirl it around on soap, pick some up and then use that to clean the brush in your palm or whatever you normally use to clean your brushes. I have always used baby shampoo for deep cleansing my brushes because it's just how I was taught and what has always worked. Mind you this always takes forever when you have a lot of brushes and I feel like I'm always wasting shampoo because I'm pouring it into my palm.

Well I heard another makeup artist suggest trying Dr. Bronner's Pure-Castille Bar Soap as a solid cleanser and seeing as it costs a shocking $4.69 for 5 oz, I figured it wouldn't hurt to try. OMG! Ladies go out and buy this completely organic soap ASAP and try it. Not only is it ridiculously cheaper than the Beauty Blender's alternative, but it's organic, conditioning for your brushes with coconut and tons of other oils, and it comes in so many different scents. Since it doesn't come with a container to store it in like the Beauty Blender one, just make a trip down the travel sized beauty section like I did and snag yourself a clear 97 cent container to store your bar of soap in.

I love how quickly I can wash everything too because I'm not picking up a shampoo bottle and pouring out and wasting extra product with every brush. It also cleans the brushes quicker than I've ever seen! I've linked the Citrus scent above which is the one I am currently using.

If you try this out and love it, let me know! Also please feel free to share any other beauty secrets you might have!

Have a beautiful week,


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