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Friday, May 2, 2014

Dre Does Quick Tips on How to Make the Most of Your Wardrobe

As much as we try to wear everything in our closets, I think we can all admit sometimes we only gravitate towards some items. I have a few tips to help get the most out of everything you own.

1. Every time you wear an item from your closet flip the hanger around so it faces the opposite way. Every two weeks or even month, flip everything back to the same direction. This way you can easily keep track of what you've worn recently and the items that are being neglected. Then try really hard to put those items to good use and break them out! You might find things fit you different or look better than you remember! 

2. Reorganize your closet! This might seem like no brainer, but if you can't see everything your wardrobe has to offer you're more likely to stick to the same items. I have so many items that if I don't see them, I honestly sometimes forget all of the options I have. 

3. Take an evening to go through your closet and pre-plan outfits. You can even take pictures of combinations you like and keep them for when you're feeling uninspired or don't know what to wear. If you take the time to try everything on and see what works together you'll know when you're crunched for time what works and what doesn't. 

4. Think outside of the box! Just because you bought a certain item to wear a specific way, doesn't mean you have to. The best part about fashion is that there are no rules. There are so many great places to find inspiration now online so don't be afraid to look and try some new things! 

I hope these tips help! What are some ways you get the most out of what you already own? Let me know in a comment below. 

Have a beautiful day,


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