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Monday, June 30, 2014

Julia Does a Guest Post!

Happy Monday friends! 
Today I bring you a guest post by my beautiful friend Julia! She has a wonderful blog called 'Fit, Fat, and All That' that is about her journey with fitness, healthy living and most importantly self love. We decided to collaborate and write a post for each other's blogs so that is what you will read below! If you'd like to see my post on her blog go visit her link below, but most importantly take some time to read her posts because they are awesome and very inspirational! 


Hi all! I am so excited to be doing a guest post for Dre! I absolutely love her blog...I mean come on, she's amazing at make-up and always looks flawless! I love how she talks about accentuating your best assists but also accepting your flaws. I think it's a great message, because no one is perfect. Not even those models in magazines, they don't even look like that, because they are all photoshopped! (Stupid if ya ask me...) 
A little about me... 
My name is Julia and I write a blog called Fit, Fat, and All That! It's a blog about my journey to living a healthy AND happy life. I have always struggled with my weight, eating, and body image since I was a teenager. I've tried everything from binging and purging, restricting calories, and even tried using those awful diet pills...nothing was working because I wanted a solution fast! I wanted nothing more than to be skinny and all I did was bash my body. I felt awful in my own skin and was constantly worrying about how I looked...and then it finally all changed. My blog talks about my journey to accepting the body I'm in and how I finally started to love my curves and my strength. 

Today I wanted to write to you guys about self-love and learning to accept the amazing body you were given. Like I said, no one is perfect, we have flaws and things we don't exactly love, but you were given one body...and you should love it, no matter what. 

Of course, easier said than done, and I still struggle with it because it's a long process, but it's worth it. 

Here are some things that have helped me work towards loving and accepting myself, curves, cellulite, fat, and all!! 

1. Stop the fat talk! 
Every time I would look in a mirror I would pick apart my body. I hated this spot here and wanted to move that fat there... Of course it doesn't work like that though. I would say I looked fat and gross...and you know what... I started to feel that way too. I hated how negative I was and it was overflowing into other areas of my life. Instead of bashing your body, write down things you love about yourself and your body and put them around your mirror. Each day you will then be reminded of all the wonderful things about yourself! 

2. Find a workout regimen you love!
It doesn't matter if it's walking, dancing in your underwear (which I love!), lifting weights, yoga, swimming... Whatever! Find something that gets your heart pumping and those endorphins flowing! Exercise is not only good for your body but it's good for your mind. I've found I am way happier when I workout regularly. I recently started Crossfit and I AM IN LOVE! It's an amazing workout and I love the family I have become a part of! Find something you feel excited about it and don't give up! 

3. Throw out the scale! 
Not going to lie, sometimes I still weigh myself just to see that I haven't fallen off the wagon tooooo much... But I used to weigh myself multiple times a day, and it got crazy.  I actually am smaller than I was at my lowest weight but it weigh about 10 pounds more. I started lifting heavy weights and I am way more toned than when I weighed less. I try to focus more on how I feel and how my clothes fit. I love to take pictures and compare them, it's amazing the differences you can see that the scale doesn't show. Do not let your happiness be defined by a number on a stupid scale, you are more than just a number. 

4. Find a healthy eating plan that works for you! 
Not every meal plan works for everyone and some people are more sensitive to certain foods. It has taken me years to find what works. I definitely struggle with my eating because I love naughty foods but I try my hardest to eat clean. I try not to eat processed foods because I always feel better when I don't! Also make sure you are eating enough! Lots of protein and veggies guys! Do some research and figure out something that works for you and stick with it! Buuuuut...if you do slip up, don't beat yourself up. We all do it, move on, drink some water, and eat healthy your next meal. Don't sabotage your day or week because of one slip up. 

5. Surround yourself with people who support you! 
This is a major one! If you surround yourself with negative people and people who don't support your journey to a healthier and happier you, then you're going to be a more negative person and it's going to be a lot harder of a journey. Find people who love you, support you, and embrace the true you!!! 

I hope that what I've written today helps you or at least makes you feel you are not alone. It's a long journey and it takes a lot of mental strength...but you can be happy in the body you were given. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and you need to embrace it! 

If you want to read about my journey, head on over to my blog!

Have a beautiful day everyone. 

~xoxo, Julia


Thank you so much Julia for doing this collaboration with me! 

Have a beautiful day friends! 


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